
All You Need To Know About Raven Quest

Play-to-Earn (P2E) games earned around $2.5 billion in capital market in the first quarter of 2022. it is anticipated to hit $10 billion by the end of the year, according to reports recently released by dAppRadar and the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA). A lot of developers and companies are now building their own games based on blockchain due to the exponential rise in investments in blockchain gaming.

The majority of Blockchain games currently available or under development are not playable at all or are only a sloppy simulation. Therefore, it is no surprise that their gaming communities, token holders, and investors can disappear within months of the game launch, leaving the project to die and the investments useless. This could be a challenge for the long-term viability of Blockchain-based games. While it is vital to integrate blockchain functionality the long-term use of blockchain games can only be made if gamers and developers are more focused on developing fantastic games instead of the integration of Blockchain capabilities.

Raven Quest, a GameFi project, focuses on the creation of an online blockchain-based MMORPG. It is aimed towards long-term acceptance by gaming communities. It rewards its players through the Play to Earn model.

What is Raven Quest?

Raven Quest is a play-to-earn MMORPG based using the polygon blockchain that gives players a non-decentralized open-world gaming environment where users may be able to claim property and construct their own home and farm. It is the only blockchain game that is free to play and has substantially greater playability as compared to other well-known blockchain games that require players to purchase NFT or another cryptocurrency to enter or access the game.

Raven Quest allows players to gather NFTs that can be used for powerful weapons or sold through NFT marketplaces. Ravencards are also collected by gamers to build NFT-gaming characters.

Raven Quest’s open nature permits players to do what they like in an engaging interactive, constantly changing environment which is filled with adventures and puzzles. Additionally, it has an efficient economy driven by players, that is powered by self-balancing algorithm.

Raven Quest’s Tokenomics

The way that a game’s tokenomics is implemented in a GameFi project is a crucial aspect of its long-term success in particular if it’s an MMO. Raven Quest is a single tokenomics game featuring a community-driven economy. The Tradepack system, an innovative self-balancing algorithm, uses Raven Quest’s unique tokenomics.

$SBT Token:

Raven Quest rewards its players with Sunbreak Tokens ($SBT) Crypto tokens. Sunbreak Tokens ($SBT), which are gold coins, can be traded on the marketplace to purchase in-game currency.

The daily limit of $SBT for RavenQuest is determined by how many activities your community and you take part in, as well as the amount of passive income they are able to generate.

RavenQuest knows that inflation continues to rise, which is why there isn’t any fixed exchange rate for Gold/$SBT. Instead, the game gives an undetermined daily prize of $SBT , which is split among players who had completed their activities and produced Gold during the game’s playing time.

$SBT may also be exchanged for real-world cash or used to increase Gold earnings potential by acquiring or upgrading Estates, Mounts, Ships & Wagons, Workers, Ravencards, or other in-game items.

The Takeaway The Takeaway Raven Quest Release Day

Raven Quest will be available in the third and fourth quarters of 2022. The game is currently in its fifth year of development and already has a huge online fan base.

For more information, click P2E


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